Fast & Accurate Mobile Pallet
& Large Item Dimensioning

Typical pallet and large item dimensioning solutions are tape measures, or massive, inflexible legacy pallet dimensioners. With QBOID, get accurate pallet dimensions without massive capital investment or manual labor.

Capture dimensions for pallet freight, crates, and many other types of large items, driving the same efficiency that QBOID has made available for smaller items and outbound shipment parcels.

Utilizing the same easy user experience of the original parcel application, dimensioning and capturing images of a pallet object anywhere in the warehouse is as easy as taking a picture.

Pallet Workflow

Barcode Scan

Scan any unique identifier, such as BOL# or Pro#

Barcode Scan

Capture Images

Take pictures from at least 2, and up to all 4 sides to accurately generate freight LxWxH cube

Dimensioned pallet


Dimensions, barcode, shape and images are now available to be uploaded into an ERP, WMS or TMS

Save and Upload

Latest News

Announcing Pallet Dimensioning

QBOID can now support pallet dimensioning in the same easy-to-use experience as items and parcels.

Exclusive Industry Whitepaper

The Warehouse of the Future is Automated, but First Dimensioned

10,000 Items Dimensioned in 2 Weeks

QBOID customer Mann Lake was able to drive significant labor savings and efficiences with two QBOID devices.